1. All competition submissions must be the original work of the club member. Each submission must be from either a film or a digital camera of some kind. The work can be derived from said original film/digital camera image. Because this is a Camera Club, no non-Photographic Images will be accepted. Currently, we accept for competition prints, and digital files. Prints and digital files specifications are listed below separately.
2. Total number of entries per person, per media is: 3 for prints and 3 for digital images.
3. No photographic image can be submitted more than once.
4. Print specifications
a. Size required: outside dimensions are 11in X 14 in. The image size can be 8 ½ X 11/1/2 or smaller. Prints without mats or without printed borders will not be judged
b. Each print is to be tagged on the back with the following information:
Photographer’ Name,
Image Title,
Competition Theme,
Competition Date,
Arrow, or the Word “Top” signifying the top of the image.
You can click here to print the tag, or it can be downloaded from the club site under Documents and Files to Download.
5. Digital Image specifications
a. Format is JPG only.
b. Dimensions for the image is:
i. Landscape: 1024 x 768 pixels (1024 width x 768 height)
ii. Portrait: height must be no more than 768 pixels; width can vary.
iii. File size must be less than 4 mb.
iv. The image submission process will size your photo to meet these requirements.
c. The deadline for digital submission is 12:05 pm on the Sunday prior to the competition.
6. Scoring
a. All club members will vote for images using the on-line voting provided in the software. To vote Log in to the Viewfinder Camera Club website at Select Competitions then select Vote on Competition Images. Please click the Vote in Full Screen Mode button to allow a larger view to better evaluate the image. Stars equal votes 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. The scoring range is 1-5. When you are finished voting click the Save Votes button. The highest score for an image is a 5. Scores will be tallied, and based on the number of votes, a 1st, 2nd, 3rd will be awarded. Those images will automatically be eligible in the End of Year Competition. All other images scoring 3.5 or higher, will be eligible for End of Year Pre-Judging, where additional images for the competition are chosen. Fifteen (15) images in each category will go to final judging, where a 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 2 Honorable Mentions will be chosen. From all of the 1st place images, Print of the Year, and Digital Image of the Year will then be selected.
b. Viewfinders Camera Club's aim is to provide a place for sharing and learning more about photography. From time to time, if requested by the submitting member, both positive and negative critique discussion may take place. The intent is to help both the photographer and the viewer become better at our art and the science of photography.
7. Membership Dues.
a. Dues for an individual are $25.00.
b. Dues for additional family members (living at same address) are $5.00 each.
c. Dues must be paid to compete or vote. Dues are due at the first meeting of September, but a grace period is permitted to October 31st.