VFCC By-Laws

Published: Friday, August 16, 2019


Article I: Name and purpose
- The organization will be known as the Viewfinders Camera Club.
- Purpose is to provide for those having a common interest in photography.
- A source of information and education in the art and the science of photography.
- A meeting place for competitive and social activities.
- A group to stimulate interest in the art and science of photography.

Article II: Membership
- Membership shall be open to all individuals interested in photography and upon payment of dues, they shall become members. The Board of Directors may pass on any membership.
- Dues must be paid by October 31st. to be a member in good standing.
- Membership may be terminated by nonpayment of dues or at the discretion of the Board of Directors by an affirmative vote of 2/3 of the board.
- For voting purposes, a quorum shall consist of 50% of the Board of Directors.

Article III: Club affiliations
- The club, at the discretion of the Board of Directors, may join other organizations which may be helpful in fulfilling the purpose of the club.

Article IV: Meetings

- Regular meetings shall be held twice a month, September thru May or as scheduled by the board.
- The month of May will be reserved for End of Year Competition and the annual banquet meeting.
- Extra meetings may be scheduled by the Board of Directors or by the President as needed.
- Club business may be conducted at all meetings.
- A schedule of meeting and events will be provided to the membership in a timely manner.

Article V: Board of Directors
- Management of all activities of the Club is vested in the Board of Directors including, but not limited to selection of monthly programs, competitions, and social events.
- The Board of Directors shall consist of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and standing committee chairpersons.
- In order to be eligible to hold an office, you must be a member in good standing and have paid dues for the preceding two (2) years.
- The Board of Directors may employ personnel, purchase equipment and materials and make appropriations to assist with the general management of the Club.

-The Board of Directors will assure that the Club holds its operating funds, comprised of annual dues and fund raising revenue, in a banking account(s) with an accredited and FDIC insured financial institution(s).  The Club will maintain at least one account with check writing privileges.


Article VI: Election of the Board of Directors
- The President shall appoint a nominating committee at the 1st. March meeting, who will submit names of nominees for officers to be elected to a 2 year term (Officers may succeed themselves for 1 (one) additional term.)  The exception is that the Treasurer may serve more than one additional term.  However, the Treasurer must be included in the 2 year election process and be re-elected for each additional term they serve.  Additional nominations with prior permission of the nominee may be made from the floor. Presentation of nominees and voting shall take place at the last competition meeting of the year or at another time in the spring as determined by the Board should circumstances require a change.
- The Board of Directors shall assume office June 1st. and prepare for the activities of the following year.
- Upon resignation of a Board member, the Board may fill the vacancy from the general membership.

Article VII: Duties of the Board of Directors

- Presides over all meetings.
- Appoints all committee chairpersons and representatives to all affiliated organizations.
- Oversees selection of the assigned subjects for the following year.
- Provides the membership communications that will keep them informed of Club activities.

Vice President
- Shall perform duties of the President in the President's absence.
- Shall provide for the publicity of the Club and its activities to the membership and the general public through the Publicity Committee

- Shall record and maintain records of Club activities.
- Shall provide for the records of competition scores and ensure that this information is available.

- Shall make bank deposits and disburse all funds pursuant to the direction of the Board of Directors.
- Shall maintain accurate records of receipts and disbursements.
- Prepare financial reports as requested by the Board of Directors.
-There shall be two signers of record on the Club bank account.  The Treasurer shall be a signer of record on the Club bank account(s).  The second signer will be a current officer, or a past officer who is still in good standing with Club membership and shall be appointed by the Board (or rescinded by the Board) as necessary to maintain two signers of record.

- The President (in case of Treasurer’s absence) should deposit all funds in the checking account of the Viewfinders Camera Club.

- The Treasurer without approval of the board shall make disbursements for ordinary operating expenses.
- The Board of Directors must approve disbursement of extraordinary expenses such as equipment, guest speakers, etc.

Article VIII: Dues and Dissolution of the Club
- The Board of Directors shall establish the amount of annual dues.
- At dissolution of the Club, all assets and moneys shall be distributed by the Board of Directors to a nonprofit organization who purpose is to promote photography as an art and science to the general public.

Article IX: By-Laws and Amendments
- By-Laws shall be written and revised by the Board of Directors for the consideration of the general membership.
- A copy of the present By-Laws shall be available to each member through the website.
- Amendments to these By-Laws may be proposed to the general membership for discussion at a regular meeting and subsequently voted on by the members at the following meeting.
- An affirmative vote by the majority of the membership present is required to pass an amendment or amended By-Laws in their entirety.

Addendum to the By-Laws:

A. Standing Committees
Competition Chairperson
- Shall coordinate the competition(s) throughout the year.
- Shall coordinate the selection of independent judges for the End of Year Competition.
- Confirm that the Rules of Competition are current and available to the members
- Monitor that the Rules of Competition are not altered during a current competition year.

Program Chairperson
- Shall recommend and coordinate educational and social program
- Shall recommend programs and speakers

Properties Chairperson
- Shall set up the meeting room prior to meeting start
- Shall be responsible for club equipment, including but not limited to light boxes and display racks

Public Relations Chairperson
- Communicate information about VFCC to the community, including the media
- Keeping VFCC members aware of PR efforts and results
- Maintain and update VCC Facebook page.

Technical Support Chairperson
- Maintain contact with Software Pursuits Inc. for updates on Image Competition Manage 2 program
- Manage VFCC software for meetings and End of Year Competition
- Maintain scoring entries for meetings and End of Year Competition
- Maintain VFCC Web Page

Nominating Chairperson
- Maintain familiarity with Club rules and By-Laws
- Head the team that will develop the slate of officers for the bi-annual election
- Make recommendations to the Board of Directors to fill vacancies in between elections.

B. Ad Hoc Committees
- Committees can be added by the President for specific purposes of limited duration.

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